Start your personal well-being journey
Small steps, big results
Your health and well-being goals are unique to you, whether you want to eat healthier, find a way to manage stress better, be a little more active, or just get some more sleep. Achieve Well-being from Independence Blue Cross is a motivating and personalized set of well-being tools that can help you achieve what's important to you in a way that's simple, easy and fun.
Personalized online tools that work for you
Begin your journey by registering or logging in to ibxpress.com or the IBX mobile app, then:
Complete the Well-being Profile
This easy-to-use health profile takes just 15 minutes to complete. Based on your answers, you'll get a personalized report with recommended focus areas.
Start a program
Choose from hundreds of programs to create a personalized Action Plan and daily activities to help you meet your goals.
Develop your Action Plan
Your daily Action Plan will display any current programs you are participating in, as well as helpful articles, videos, and healthy recipes that will help you on your well-being journey.
Track your activity levels with Health Trackers
Sync your fitness apps or devices (like FitBit®, MyFitnessPal, etc.) where they will integrate with your Action Plan and update your programs automatically.
Stay motivated with tokens and badges
Earn tokens and badges for achievements, like completing the Well-being Profile, syncing a health tracking app, or successfully finishing a program.
Look for encouraging messages and reminders
Along the way, you'll get helpful reminders via text or email to help you stay on track.
Convenient tools for your busy lifestyle
Whether you are online or on-the-go, the Achieve Well-being tools and programs from Independence are accessible anytime, anywhere, so you can use them when it's most convenient for you.
Visit ibxpress.com or download the IBX mobile app for your iPhone or Android.
©2017 Independence Blue Cross. All rights reserved.
1901 Market Street | Philadelphia, PA 19103
Independence complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.
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